Working Papers
(under review or revise and resubmit)
"Nonbinary Gender Identities and Earnings: Evidence from a National Census," (with Christopher Carpenter, Krishan Pendakur, and Casey Warman)
"Institutional Drift, Property Rights, and Economic Development: Evidence from Historical Treaties," (with Maggie Jones and Rob Gillezeau)
"Heterogeneous Returns to Active Labour Market Programs for Indigenous Populations" (with Kelly Foley and Maggie Jones).
​"Indigenous Nations at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Evidence from the 1901 Canadian Census and the Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for 1900," (with Gillezeau, Jones, Inwood) Conditional Acceptance at Historical Methods

Works in Progress
(please email for most recent draft)
"The Unequal Cost of Native American Home Ownership," (with Matthew Gregg and Helen Willis Banga).
"The Effects of Christian Missions for Indigenous Peoples in the United States," (with Maggie Jones and David Scoones).
" Historical Treaty-Making in Canada: Bargaining Power, Geography, and Networks," (with Maggie Jones and Rob Gillezeau)
"Illuminating Economic Development in Indigenous Communities" (with Rob Gillezeau and Maggie Jones)