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The Slaughter of the Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on the Great Plains” (with Rob Gillezeau and Maggie Jones). Review of Economic Studies. (Volume 91, Issue 3, May 2024), pp. 1634–1670.  Online Appendix.


"Temporal Trends in Mental Health in the United States by Gender Identity," (with Samuel Mann). American Journal of Public Health. 114, no. 5 (May 1, 2024): pp. 523-526.


​"American Indian Wealth in the Early 20th Century," (with Maggie Jones and Angela Redish) AEA Papers and Proceedings. (Volume 113, May 2024).


Policies for Other People: Reflections from an Economist on Research and Federal Government Indigenous Policy in Canada Post-1975,” Canadian Public Policy. Volume 50, no. S1 (May 2024): pp. 36-61. Online Appendix.


"Native American “Deaths of Despair” and Economic Conditions," (with Randall Akee, Marina Mileo Gorzig, and
Samuel Myers Jr.) Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, (Volume 89, 2024)


“Stakeholder Cues, National Origin, and Public Opinion Towards Firms: Evidence in the Context of the First Bank in an American Indian Nation” (with Rachel Wellhausen and Calvin Thrall). Business and Politics. (Forthcoming 2024)


“Leading the Way: First Nations in Canadian Fiscal Federalism,” (with David Scoones). Chapter 11. Fiscal Federalism in Canada: Analysis, Evaluation, Prescription. Edited by André Lecours, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe, Eric Champagne. University of Toronto Press. (2023).


"When Do Nations Tax? The Adoption of Property Tax Codes By First Nations in Canada"  (with Maggie Jones and David Scoones). Public Choice. (2023).


"Native Americans’ Experience of Chronic Distress in the USA" (with David G. Blanchflower) Journal of Population Economics (2022). 


"The Tribal Digital Divide: Extent and Explanations" (with Matt Gregg and Anahid Bauer) Telecommunications Policy. (Volume 46, No. 9, 2022)


“Indigenous Nations and the Development of the US Economy: Land, Resources, and Dispossession,” (with Ann Carlos and Angela Redish) Journal of Economic History. (Volume 82, No. 2, 2022) 


Native American Age at Death in the United States,” (with Randall Akee, Marina Mileo Gorzig, Samuel Myers, Marium Navid, Olivia Matzke, Kai Tiede, Rachel Magennis) Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy. (March 2022)


“Law Enforcement Officers' Bills of Rights and Police Violence,” (with Jamein P. Cunningham, Rob Gillezeau, Matthew Harvey, and Abdul Rad) AEA Papers and Proceedings (Volume 112, May 2022) 


“The Distributional Impacts of Active Labor Market Programs for Indigenous Populations,” (with Kelly Foley and Maggie Jones)  AEA Papers and Proceedings. (Volume 111, May 2021) Online Appendix.

“Ownership and Trust in Banks: Evidence from the First Bank in an American Indian Nation,” (with Rachel Wellhausen and Calvin Thrall) AEA Papers and Proceedings. (Volume 111, May 2021) Online Appendix.

“Secured Transactions Laws and Economic Development on American Indian Reservations,” (with Christian Dippel, Bryan Leonard, and Marc Roark) AEA Papers and Proceedings. (Volume 111, May 2021) Online Appendix.


Indian Residential Schools: Height, and Body Mass Post-1930 (with M. Chris Auld) Canadian Journal of Economics  (2021, Volume 54, Issue 1: p.126-163). *Winner of the 2021 Canadian Journal of Economics, Best Paper Award, the Johnson Prize. 

​Formerly titled “The Long-run Effects of Residential Schooling on Height and Body Weight,”


“Repaying a Debt? The Performance of Morrill Act University Beneficiaries as Measured by Native Enrollment and Graduation Rates,” (with Maggie Jones) Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Journal. (Invited article in peer reviewed journal. 2021, Volume 8, Number 1:129-138).


“The Price of Mortgage Financing for Native Americans.” (with Laura Cattaneo). Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy  (2021, Volume 4, Issue 4: 302–319). Online: November 2020.


Gender Ratios on First Nations Reserves in Canada (with Randall Akee) Canadian Studies in Population (April 2020, Volume 47, Number 4: 213-227).


Introduction of Formal Child Care Services in Inuit Communities and Labour Force Outcomes (with Jasmin Thomas) Canadian Public Policy (2019, Volume 45, Number 4: 428-459).


First People Lost: The State of Status First Nations Mortality in Canada using Administrative Data (with Randall Akee)  Canadian Journal of Economics (May 2019, Volume 52, Number 2).

Portions of this paper are included in “Excess Mortality, Institutionalization and Homelessness among Status Indians in Canada” (with Randall Akee). 


Return to the Homeland? The Impact of the Great Recession on Employment Outcomes and Labor Mobility for Native Americans (with Rob Gillezeau) Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy  (September 2018, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 60-7).


Estimating Institutionalization and Homelessness for Status Indians in Canada: A Method and Implications (with Randall Akee) The International Indigenous Policy Journal (2018, Volume 9, Number 4, pp. 1-28).

Portions of this paper are included in “Excess Mortality, Institutionalization and Homelessness among Status Indians in Canada” (with Randall Akee). 


“Answering the Call: An Empirical Social Scientist’s Guide to Reconciliation” (with Robert Hancock). Canadian Public Policy (September 2016, Volume 42, Number 3, pp. 350-365).


“The Intergenerational Effect of Forcible Assimilation Policy on School Performance.” The International Indigenous Policy Journal (2016, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp.1-44).


“The Long-Term Effects of Forcible Assimilation Policy: The Case of Indian Boarding Schools,” Canadian Journal of Economics (May 2016, Volume 49, Number 2, pp. 433-480).


“Weak Identification in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.” (with Vadim Marmer and Thomas Lemieux). Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. (April 2016, Volume 34, Number 2, pp. 185-196. [Posted online April 2015]).


 Size, Structure, and Change: Exploring the Sources of Aboriginal Earnings Gaps in 1995 and 2005, Canadian Public Policy (2013, Volume 32, Number 2, pp 309-334).

© 2023 by Donn. L. Feir.

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