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What Students Need to Know Before Asking for a Reference Letter


I receive many requests a year.  If you meet the following criteria, I will consider writing you a letter of reference for graduate school. 

1. Your GPA for econ, math computer science or science courses is 7.0 or above.
2. You have taken at least one course from me and received an A or A+.
3. I know you from interactions outside the classroom.

If you meet all the criteria above, please send me an email with the following information:

- transcripts (unofficial transcript is fine)
- the course(s) you have taken from me
- the list of universities and programs you are considering applying to
- a picture of yourself if you are comfortable (this is likely to help me remember exactly who you are!)

After reviewing this information, I will contact you by email to let you know if I will be able to write you a letter for graduate school. 

© 2023 by Donn. L. Feir.

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